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Mojan Javadi

I perceive life as artwork in process: a painting, a poem or a musical instrument ready to be played. Every single day we are given the chance to create something new, enhance it and make it more meaningful.


Living in different countries, and learning from different cultures, combined with my creative work and interest in human behaviors, inspired me to study and practice ancient teachings. Over the years, these pursuits have included focused study and research of mysticism, shamanism, energy healing and counseling. Each one of these disciplines is a powerful tool for healing and guidance. At their core, is a gateway to a fulfilling, joyful life.  Discovering the truth within them comes from unlocking your own, personal potential.


Through my own magnificent journey of creation and self-discovery, I reunited with my partner, Christopher. We are honored to be in this sacred relationship and to be in service to our brothers, sisters and our beloved Mother Earth.


I've been practicing shamanism for the past few years, learned from Shipibo Shamans, Dr Alberto Villoldo and his team at The Four Winds and many medicine men and women around the world. I'm also a certified Hypnotherapist, and Heartmath practitioner.I would love to invite you to join us at our workshops, ceremonies or at a one-on-one session.


May we all recognize the beauty of our soul and follow our heart’s desires fearlessly! 


Christopher Ryan Clarke

I am here to offer the wisdom that I gained learning to thrive simultaneously in what are seemingly two very different worlds. For more than two decades, I have maintained a career as a highly successful litigation attorney in New York while, at the same time, diving deep into ancient teachings and practices to foster my own spiritual growth.  


My practice focuses on creating a harmonious relationship between the world of the divine and miraculous and the world of the practical and pragmatic. I believe that we can bring these realms into balance by knowing ourselves deeply and aligning our actions with our soul’s calling. In that process, we are able to harness the magic of the invisible world of spirit to support our own consciously focused actions here in this material world. This balancing approach addresses the entire well-being and health of the individuals with whom I work.  My aim is to empower you to find that harmony within yourself and to enable you to create powerful, personal transformation.   


This journey is not one that begins and ends in self-reflection.  We may begin there, but I believe that even a true mystic does not exist solely within oneself and outside of society. Rather,  each one of us has been called to bring our own, unique wisdom forward and out of the shadows to shine bright in this world.   That is true karma and the essence of why we are having this human experience. 


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